Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Pastor Alwin Thomas Profile

Alwin Thomas
E. Alwin Thomas a youngster who is the Founder of Ruah Revival Church is a revivalist with fire & passion to win soul for Christ. Our Vision Is to spread the burning fire and the news of salvation to every nook and corner of India & to all the remote parts of our globe. Our pastor's zeal and fervor of praise & worship has made the church grow in leaps and bounds. Pas. Alwin is a gifted singer, worship leader and an anointed man of God with a special gift of healing and deliverance. (Ru-ah “being a Hebrew word means Breath of God" is a church that never rests). Pas. Alwin sacrificed his lucrative job and luxurious life of a company. His wife Joy Hannah and kids Cherie Michelle and Benny Thomas are his added blessing. Pas. Alwin has also released many CD's on various teachings and some mega hit praise & worship CD's too. Our popularly known “Nandri" vol-1 has melodious spirit filled songs which touches the hearts of many listeners who are still sending greetings of thanks. Every avenue in short, has been explored & activated for a great revival in this land and it will be a matter of time before India, explodes for Christ.
Our programs are being telecasted in some of the famous channels like Holy God television and Tamizhan Television. These shows have been real blessings to many, judging by their touching testimonies.


  • Wondering what ? Yes, our care cells that people are called as coming castles coz of the care that people receive from our dedicated care cells leaders, which includes prayer, counseling ,social help and so on.
  • This happens on every Thursday, when the thirst for the Holy Spirit is quenched and the zeal and fire for the Lord is rekindled.
  • This is the day of deliverance during which our pastor and other prayer warriors pray for the demon possessed people bound with bondings, sick and other’s suffering with various oppressions.
  • During this time, we intensify our prayer and ask for God’s mighty presence to descend on all ,who come to our Sunday Services.


  • Our Church as one body sows its tithe in the Holy Land of God and since then we have been blessed multi-fold. We sponsor one missionary who is doing his course in a Bible College. We also support one missionary in Gujarat.
  • Yet another project which the Lord has enabled to launch is the Saribath Scheme which aims at contributing 5 kilos of rice for the poor and needy (especially for the widows and destitutes) This has been made possible by the members of our church who have been blessed and guided by the Spirit of God to contribute their mite towards this noble cause.
  • We have been able to support 10 poor children by supplying them with school uniforms, books, footwear etc. Praise GOD for all that HE has done...


The tiny tots of our church are taken care of by the Sunday school teachers,who not only teach Bible stories but dance, games, action songs, teaching on how to lead a testimonial life and so on. They have music classes where they learn instruments like keyboard, guitar, drums and ever violin with some of the best known musicians. It is also a thrill to know that our kids get filled with the Holy Spirit during anointing session.
No praise is great enough for our mighty God who does these miracles ! ! ! !